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The Sweet Life

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“You are what you eat” is a phrase most are familiar with. With the increased understanding about the benefits of using organic health and beauty products, people are realizing that it’s time to join the clean beauty movement. Clean beauty, also known as organic skincare, natural beauty products, and raw beauty, is defined as products […]

Why You Should Join the Clean Beauty Movement

Healthy Living

“You are what you eat” is a phrase most are familiar with. With the increased understanding about the benefits of using organic health and beauty products, people are realizing that it’s time to join the clean beauty movement. Clean beauty, also known as organic skincare, natural beauty products, and raw beauty, is defined as products […]

I always knew I wanted to be a mom. And I also knew that whenever I was blessed with kiddos of my own, I would choose to raise my family a little differently. I will never forget the day my girlfriends and I were sitting at a ski lodge in Bear Valley, California. Most of […]

After spending the weekend unplugging from the world and plugging into my family, I am convinced that we all need to experience fresh mountain air at least once a year.  I spent a lot of my youth up in the mountains. From the time I can remember, my family spent a good portion of our […]

Cold plunging, also called cold water therapy or cold water immersion is gaining a lot of momentum in the health and fitness world. And after my first plunge into 40-degree water, I was hooked. The benefits that followed have been life-changing. Cold plunging is not a new idea. In fact, two-thousand years ago, the famous […]

When I went to Disneyland with my family, I was suddenly confronted with the fact that my twins are growing to be their own individuals, with different personalities, wants, and needs. Taking six kids to Disneyland is not for the faint of heart. Yes, six kids and two adults. I won’t even begin to tell […]

Explore my latest book for a fresh outpouring of joy, hope, and gratitude. Warning, you won't be able to put it down!


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I am obsessed with healthy living, gratitude, gardening, mindfulness, and raising kind kiddos... and I write about it all. May my words spur you on to cultivate a home infused with the sweetness that comes from living a life devoted to Jesus.

Wife and mother, Chief operator of the Mathews Homestead, homeschooler, not-so-novice gardener, resident goat herder, and your new Jesus-loving friend.