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I always wanted to go on a juice cleanse when I turned 40. When the time came, I decided to seek help from more experienced people and signed up for a 5-day juice cleanse at a wellness center. One of my goals when I turned 40 was to do a 10-day juice cleanse. I knew […]
We all have them, these mornings that seem like a complete mess, where nothing is ready on time and our heart pounds so fast it feels like it is going to explode. But a little planning can help alleviate stressful mornings. Sometimes I think moms and dads have a harder time coordinating school day mornings […]
I am obsessed with healthy living, gratitude, gardening, mindfulness, and raising kind kiddos... and I write about it all. May my words spur you on to cultivate a home infused with the sweetness that comes from living a life devoted to Jesus.
Wife and mother, Chief operator of the Mathews Homestead, homeschooler, not-so-novice gardener, resident goat herder, and your new Jesus-loving friend.