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The Sweet Life

Have you ever stared in the mirror and not recognized the person staring back at you? I know I have. Our body can tell us a lot about how we are faring in our life, and it can be one of the best metaphors for introspection, interpretation and possible change.  I will never forget the […]

When Your Body Becomes the Metaphor for Your Life

Healthy Living

Just like nutrition, exercise recommendations, programs and slogans range greatly. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, it is recommended that we get 150 minutes of moderately intense exercise each week in order to maintain optimal health. But getting to that golden number does not need to look the same for everyone. In fact, […]

The 60-Minute Workout Myth: Why You May Need to Pack Your Day with “Exercise Snacking”

Healthy Living

Every diet works but not every diet will work for you! Read on to find out what makes or breaks a diet and how to find out which diet will work for you! Virtual show of hands: who has seen the plethora before-and-after photos from those who lost 60 or more pounds by following the […]

Why Every Diet May Not Work For You

Healthy Living

I always wanted to go on a juice cleanse when I turned 40. When the time came, I decided to seek help from more experienced people and signed up for a 5-day juice cleanse at a wellness center. One of my goals when I turned 40 was to do a 10-day juice cleanse. I knew […]

All About My 5-Day Juice Cleanse at a Wellness Center

Healthy Living

We are what we eat. Food can have a tremendous impact on our moods. Here are 5 foods that will improve our state of mind! The holidays are often filled with food, friends, and shopping frenzies. But this time of year can also be a time of melancholy. The holidays can remind us of loved […]

Eat, Drink, and Be Happy: 5 Foods that Improve Your Mood

Healthy Living

Explore my latest book for a fresh outpouring of joy, hope, and gratitude. Warning, you won't be able to put it down!


Need an extra dose of encouragement?


I am obsessed with healthy living, gratitude, gardening, mindfulness, and raising kind kiddos... and I write about it all. May my words spur you on to cultivate a home infused with the sweetness that comes from living a life devoted to Jesus.

Wife and mother, Chief operator of the Mathews Homestead, homeschooler, not-so-novice gardener, resident goat herder, and your new Jesus-loving friend.