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The Sweet Life

Family traditions are an important way to form bonds and to create wonderful childhood memories for our kids. Every fall, I look forward to the holiday season. Virtual show of hands: who loves fall? As soon as there is a tinge of color change on the Chinese pistache and maple trees in my area, I […]

Why Every Family Needs Positive Traditions

Mamahood + Homeschool

Being a mom is not for the faint of heart. I’ll just get that out of the way now. It’s not easy and Mama, if you’re reading this, then I need you to know first and foremost, that you are already doing amazing.

Life Hacks for the Busy Mamas

Mamahood + Homeschool

Busy mom

I love traveling! However, when I first became a mama, I did a lot less travel than I would have liked. Actually, that’s not true.

The Essential Life Lessons From a 3-Year-Old

Mamahood + Homeschool

Happy boy on beach

We’re talking about how to raise kind kids. In a world that seems to be run by a bunch of narcis (that’s what my husband and I call narcissists), it seems more important than ever to teach our future generations how to care for one another. So lets dive into How To Raise Kids That […]

How To Raise Kids That Are Future Innovators

Mamahood + Homeschool

Do you ever go to the park with your kids and wonder how in the world some of today’s kiddos can act so awful? I mean, seriously? I have sat back and observed countless–and I mean countless–meltdowns, temper tantrums, and downright appalling behavior from some of the cutest little munchkins around! This got me thinking: […]

How Can I Raise My Kids To Be Kind, Loving, And Respectful?

Mamahood + Homeschool

Explore my latest book for a fresh outpouring of joy, hope, and gratitude. Warning, you won't be able to put it down!


Need an extra dose of encouragement?


I am obsessed with healthy living, gratitude, gardening, mindfulness, and raising kind kiddos... and I write about it all. May my words spur you on to cultivate a home infused with the sweetness that comes from living a life devoted to Jesus.

Wife and mother, Chief operator of the Mathews Homestead, homeschooler, not-so-novice gardener, resident goat herder, and your new Jesus-loving friend.